Monday, February 29, 2016

MLS Referee Power Rankings - Part II

This second installment of referee power rankings appeared in a Massive Report Fan Post on July 21, 2015.

I wasn't sure whether I was ever going to update the MLS Referee Power Rankings. I certainly didn't expect to do it so soon. I got positive feedback from folks who seemed to enjoy the first article, so I thought, why not give it another try? And as long as there is a dedicated weekly video outlining questionable MLS refereeing and an ESPN FC segment with PRO top honcho Peter Walton, I feel that it is my duty to keep you entertained.

Rank Referee Trend Comments
1 Mark Geiger Mark Geiger no change - Geiger has not reffed MLS matches because he's on Gold Cup duty. That keeps him at the top.
2 Ismail Elfath Ismail Elfath up +2 Elfath was announced as man in the middle for the 2015 MLS All Star Game. I think it was well-deserved, and it moves him up the rankings.
3 Armando Villarreal Armando Villarreal no change - No change for the young referee.
4 Alan Kelly Alan Kelly down -2 Alan Kelly disappointed me in the LA/San Jose match last Friday. Were his calls technically correct? Yes. Would he have made those same calls if the offender or offendee was not Steven Gerrard? No. Maybe I'm being harsh because he was kind enough to let a journalist follow him around.
5 Ted Unkel Ted Unkel up +2 Four penalties in one game! Is it just me, or is Ted getting more and more fit and more and more confident? Also, he had the guts to make the (correct) call to send Larin off in the Orlando / Red Bulls match as the fourth official.
6 Kevin Stott Kevin Stott down -1 Drops due to other good performances.
7 David Gantar David Gantar up +1 Gantar also got assigned to some Gold Cup matches.
8 Jair Marrufo Jair Marrufo down -2 Seems like he should go up because he reffed in the Gold Cup. But I make the arbitrary rules (just like MLS). A reader pointed out that Mr. Marrufo accepted a signed jersey from a player after a game in which he officiated. I know that was years ago and double jeopardy and all that, but this deserves a docking in the standings.
9 Marcos De Oliviera Marcos De Oliviera down -1 I haven't seen him get any assignments lately.
10 Juan Guzman Juan Guzman up +1 Circumstances find Juan in the elusive Top 10.
11 Hilario Grajeda Hilario Grajeda down -2 What happened to him? Has he had any matches? He will likely rapidly descend if not.
12 Ricardo Salazar Ricardo Salazar no change - C'mon Redcardo, show some red cards, it's what they pay you for!
13 Baldomero Toledo Baldomero Toledo up +1 When your terribleness helps the Sounders lose, you go up in the rankings.
14 Edvin Jurisevic Edvin Jurisevic down -2 What are we talking about again?
15 Silviu Petrescu Silviu Petrescu no change - He didn't give any phantom red cards in Montreal. Oh wait, I had forgotten about that game! Moving on..
16 Drew Fischer Drew Fischer up +1 He may have read the Laws in the last month. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.
17 Chris Penso Chris Penso down -1 OK, I know that Penso would be the Crew's DP if we hadn't used our Target Allocation Money on him, but come ON! On Saturday versus the Bridgeview F*re, there was a handball that could've been a DOGSO red card, and then when Finlay slipped on the ball in extra time, that would've been a perfect opportunity to point to the spot! On a serious note, although I think the PK was legit and the yellow for diving was legit, Penso looks for the game changing calls, and that's why he loses a spot.
18 Sorin Stoica Sorin Stoica up +1 #NotTheWorst
19 Jorge Gonzales Jorge Gonzales no change - Sorry, I forgot you last time. Hopefully you'll move to your proper position after collecting more data.
20 Allen Chapman Allen Chapman no change - Also forgotten last time. Is that good or bad?
21 Robert Sibiga Robert Sibiga no change - He made his MLS center ref debut at none other than a Crew match. I'm adding him to the list because he got a second match. I need more data, and he's not even last!
22 Fotis Bazakos Fotis Bazakos down -4 My goodness, this poor guy is so lost. I added three referees I missed last time, and he's still dead last. The Orlando / Red Bulls game was terrible. I mean, the head of PRO referees basically said he got demoted and is doing a lower level match next weekend. Wait, what? He's refereeing Saturday's Crew / Toronto match? Well played, MLS and PRO. Well played.

Who knows, maybe I'll do this again sometime?

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